How much time did you spend putting up all of your beautiful Christmas decorations. Probably a while. Wouldn't it be a waste to take it all down and put it away until the end of the year. Luckily you don't have to, some of your holiday decorations can be repurposed... [read more]
The holidays are over, but you are probably still recovering from your sugar rush that is a side effect from all the Christmas goodies you have consumed over the past month. Along with all the sweets, you probably have had your fill of turkey and ham until next Thanksgiving and... [read more]
From Halloween to New Year's Eve, the end of the year is filled with holidays. There are many celebrations and events around the holidays that can make you feel frazzled and worn out. If you want to begin the new year on a strong and positive note, then you will... [read more]
One of the things that makes Christmas a special season is the traditions that families create. Reading together for Christmas really brings parents and children of all ages together in a way that nothing else does. Let's look at some classic Christmas tales that you can share with your family... [read more]
Receiving gifts is always fun, but part of the joy of Christmas morning is watching your loved ones unwrap the gifts you thoughtfully bought for them. Sometimes it's easy to pick a gift the people in your life will enjoy and sometimes it's a bit harder, especially when you're shopping... [read more]
One of the wonderful things about the holiday season is seeing how different people around the world celebrate Christmas. The melting pot of people who make up America have brought so many traditions with them that you may see many different ways of celebrating this festive occasion in and around... [read more]
The warm temperatures in Central Florida mean you can still ride through Crestview, Florida with the panoramic moonroof of your Buick Enclave wide open well into the winter. That's great if you want to hit the beach for a few hours of sunbathing but not so great if you're a... [read more]
While the game might be on, let's be honest, everyone is napping and not watching. Do not get me wrong, family naps are fun, but on a holiday centered around family, the family should be the focus. This year instead of falling asleep watching football, gather your family for a... [read more]
If you're anything like us, sometimes life can just ... get ahead of you. Turn around and suddenly Halloween is just a few days away. You don't have time to hit up a department or specialty store -- where the costumes are picked-over and less-than-ideal by this time. But if... [read more]
When the temperature drops in Florida, it's not much of a change, but we take full advantage of the 10 degrees cooler. It's time to put up your swimsuits and flip-flops and trade them for the latest fall trends. If you feel a few years behind the 2022 fall fashion... [read more]