You don’t want to miss Crestview Public Library's Team Trivia Night! It’s like pub trivia except there is 100% books and 0% booze. Ages 15+ can participate and categories are posted on Facebook several times prior to the event starting two weeks before so you can get your game on.... [read more]
This is a must see in Crestview with some awesome animals and is not your typical zoo. The Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge Zoological Park is not very large, not as well known and some of the animals there are not postcard perfect. BUT know that is it worth the drive... [read more]
Sure, you’ve seen “Peter Pan” before. But do you really know the whole story? Unless you’ve seen the musical “Finding Neverland,” you probably don’t. But now you can find out when you go see “Finding Neverland” at the Saenger Theatre in Pensacola, Florida. This family-friendly musical will take you on... [read more]
Do you ever wish you knew more about the Crestview area? Now’s the perfect time to do some exploring, and the Emerald Coast Zoo should be one of your first stops. This is one of the most interesting attractions in the area, and it’s great for the entire family. Get... [read more]
Some people see running as an individual sport. And a lot of runners do train by themselves. But every now and then it’s nice to get your workout in with some friends and in a more fun atmosphere. And if you're new to the sport, it's great to have a... [read more]
Is there anything better on a cold day than a warm meal? Even though winter may cut down on how much time we can spend outside, we can really enjoy some great comfort foods. Luckily, living in Florida, our winter days are usually mild enough to get the best of... [read more]