While you know to get regular oil changes, get alignments, and check your tires for visible signs of wear, there’s one piece of your car that’s easy to forget about until it causes problems: the battery. Before you end up needing a jump because your battery died, look for these warning signs that your car’s battery is on its last leg.
1. Old Battery
If your battery is more than a few years old, you should be on high alert for the end of the battery’s life. Though all car parts wear out over time, there are a few things that can contribute to a shortened battery life: extremely hot or extremely cold temperatures, repeated cycles of discharging during starts, and lights left on too often are all factors that can drain your battery faster than average.
2. Slow Starts
If you turn the key and the engine slowly cranks with whirring sounds, it’s definitely time to get your battery tested. This is a telltale sign that the end is surely near.
3. Cranks And Clicks But Won’t Start
Even worse than a sluggish battery is drained battery that won’t allow your car to start. If you hear cranks or clicks under the hood when you turn the key, but the car doesn’t start, you’ll want to head to an automotive shop to have the battery tested as soon as you can get a jump. If you only hear a click when you turn the key, this could indicate that your starter is failing. In either case, it’s smart to head to an auto shop for a diagnosis.
4. Dash Lights Turn On But The Car Doesn’t Start
If this happens, it’s often a sign that your battery has just enough power to provide energy to the electronic system in your car, but not enough to fully provide energy to the starter. You should try getting a jump, though this could be another sign that your car’s starter is on the fritz, too, so it’s best to head to an auto shop as soon as you can.
5. Frequent Jump Starts
If you’re having to get a jump start on a regular basis it’s definitely time to look at replacing your battery. Head to your trusted local auto shop, like ours at Lee Buick GMC, to get your battery replaced by the pros.
6. Lots of Corrosion
If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms above, it’s worth taking a look at your car’s battery. Is there a lot of blue, fluffy corrosion or a clear film on the battery case? If so, it means that your battery is giving off acidic fumes, leaking acidic battery fluid, or both.
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Get A New Battery
When these symptoms crop up, or the battery surpasses several years of age, schedule an appointment with us at Lee Buick GMC for a quick battery replacement service.
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