It’s fun to be a little cheesy every now and then. Half of the fun of giving a Valentine card to your significant other or your friend is seeing their reaction, right? Exactly, so double that reaction when you hand them something funny that makes them chuckle. Your cards don’t need to be elaborate, in fact, they can be super simple and mean even more than a fancy store-bought one. If you want to turn up the volume on the cheese this Valentine’s Day, use these clever card ideas and you’ll get the reaction you desire.
Racing Heart
We all have that someone who makes our heart speed up. Help them visualize how they make you feel with a funny card featuring a toy car (or a printed cartoon one). Fold a card in half, glue a toy car on top with some hot glue, and add a funny slogan like “You make my heart race.” Skid marks behind the car are an added bonus for the full effect.
The King
This might just be the easiest one to make, and the funniest to see. Simply fold a card in half, glue a king of Hearts card on top, and write “King Of My Heart.” The beauty of this card is that you have the whole space on the inside of the card to write whatever you please.
If you want a genuine chuckle, this might do the trick. Get online and buy a heart-shaped maze for less than a dollar. When it arrives, glue it onto your card along with the slogan “You Are a-MAZE-ing.” They’ll laugh, you’ll be a hero, and it’ll be a great Valentine’s Day for everyone.
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Glowing Recommendation
If there’s someone in your life that shines brighter than anyone, and you just HAVE to express that, go find some candles and make it happen. Glue 3 candles to a folded card, and attach the words “You Light Up My Life.” It’s such a sweet sentiment, and you can even pair it with a lit candle on top of a homemade cupcake for added sweetness.
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