What does S-T-E-M stand for?
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The following STEM activities involve learning one or more of these four areas of exploration. These activities will have your kids asking interesting questions and coming up with real-life observations and answers!
Hot Chocolate Science
Guaranteed to be the most delicious science experiment you’ve ever tried! This experiment is perfect for younger students, as it will examine what temperature of water you need for a warm cup of hot cocoa. Spoiler Alert; you get to drink hot chocolate when you’re done.
How Do Snowflakes Form?
This experiment will answer the all-important question, “How do snowflakes form?” Right up there with “Why’s the sky blue?” this fun activity will engage kids of all ages with the important task of answering life’s biggest questions through experimentation.
Hibernation Station
This fun game is aimed at teaching kindergarteners and preschoolers interesting facts about animal hibernation.
Marshmallow Igloo
Build a miniature igloo with marshmallows and toothpicks and teach your children math and engineering skills. For bonus points, tie in a history lesson about the Eskimo and Inuit
Polar Bear Express
Research the effect of climate change on the polar bear’s habitat with this thought-provoking activity. Here’s a great winter STEM challenge for elementary kids; environmental impacts on polar bears.